Sunday, 12 April 2015

Preface, Emails and Letters #Evidence

Please check out my book it can be found on Google, Amazon and Barns and Noble, Click on Picture for Google access

My aim with the information from other Paleontologist and Geologist correspondence in the this part is to show the extent of ignorance and general difficulties one has been given trying to find any plausible information that falls into proper sensible explanation or hypothesis for the occurrence of ancient and megafauna sub- fossils found in Peat bogs at Port Alma. This occurrence is close to a large maffic Devonian fault and Devonian  limestone has been unearthed at several locations around the fault some with fault rock attached. Authorities have been better of at losing fossils and subfossils  that I have given or sent for analysis then implying threats rather than supplying one with secure information access to preserve what could be a world importance fossil find . 
One has experience such rubbish humiliation in my School years one didn't expect it  to carry on through my adult life.
I have a Senior Education in Biology and the Histories so have some general knowledge, also own a small Library, Museum, and seem to be an accomplished artist to some people. I have spent many a good season wandering the bush collecting fossils and studied the collective shaping of artifact rocks and come to find the possible existence of a well organised Aboriginal tribes around the time of the mega beast sub fossils of the late Paleocene.
  Supposedly description by Queensland Museum 30 foot grouper Bream or Mackerel around 100 years old for these stone teleost Fish vertebra. According to CEO Ian Galloway in his last letter no more assessments will be given as this is the decision of the paleontologist who have only seen pictures without any physical examination .
The underneath fossil the Experts of the Museum say catfish and no more assessments to be given.

When I found this Patricia Rich of Monash University told me to contact John Long, now she would not of told me to show him a piece of catfish I have known Patricia Rich for a long period of time she is reliable and a person with a certain amount of knowledge above those of the Queensland Museum.  Patricia, her Husband and Jeffery Stilwel have all examined the above large vertebra and claim fossil not recent subfossil plus the sub-fossils and would have done a report that should be still in existence probably could be obtained with a Freedom of Information application. Paleontology people on Facebook say Placoderm of the above ancient fish they laugh at catfish.  One simple thing is that if I have ancient things then the medium they were preserved in must be ancient too otherwise they wouldn't be there simple as that.
Dis-encouragement of Scientific finds  should be some sort of crime to the General Community as a whole one would think so much knowledge that just is getting tossed in rubbish bin because of some petty we don't like that dude syndrome.
 There could be claimed there has been a failure by Government Organisations to secure Heritage that could profited Tourism of the Central Queensland area, and just General Knowledge based on Scientific explanations. I had put Heritage claims in on areas as a concerned citizen of Australia but these were ignored.  I also try to help reclaim some of genuine Aboriginal History other than the basic claim by Government and some Historians that the Aboriginal peoples had only got here 40,000 years when people had reached Asia 63,000 years ago. Do we really know  Mungo 3 Man from World Heritage site Lake Mungo,New South Wales was first carbon dated at 25,000 to 30,000years at first then re dated in 1999 to be 56,000 to 68,000 years. Electron Spin Resonance or ESR  the amount of thermoluminescence emitted on heating everything  from grains of sand in termite mounds dated the enamel on the teeth to be 70,000 years old . This process was used to date paintings in the Kimberley region of the Northern territory which dated between 116,000 and 176,000. Maybe that was just to old to get their head around so they re dated them back to 40,000 years old. See even the expert Archaeologist can't agree with themselves bit hard to find them to look at an amateur's finds.
Over the years between 2002 and 2003 I first sent fossil samples to Alex Cooke at the Queensland Museum he just used to send them all back unopened when I rang him he was very rude in saying there is nothing at Port Alma that I want to see it is all Holocene and recent and if I wanted him to check something out I had to go down there and put hem on his desk in front of him.  
So one got to contact other Paleontologist Bruce Runnegar was at the Sydney Museum then he looked at my pictures and commented on my blog I had on MSN groups back then one had his Book in my library for years with many other fossil, Geology and Mineral books. One contacted every Paleontologist in Australia found most emails as part of a Foundation there had to be one out there that could be of assistance beside Queensland Museum.
 Alex Ritchie in Sydney who was an eager person to look at  items and sometimes commented  which sounded favourable enough to keep me looking for more interesting fossil's.
One has collected most emails as he could and probably have lost a few and once had my Outlook account on Big pond hacked and lost the lot which was explainable by Big pond who just comment it should not have happened. 
I was introduced to the two Central Queensland University guys by a Karl Bush he ran a fossil store near Railways for tourist and he knew them well Professor Jack Pettigrew was interested really only in the ancient Bird Breast bone which he referred to as elephant bird. One paid a price giving the fossil's to them for assessment with the loss, that might sound weird least I still have Photo's of one the items and least they were reasonable to come up with a compensation amount of some sort that helped a lot more research with the finding of the fish parts which more than the Queensland Museum did all one got was a Phone call apology for CEO Ian Galloway. #reallygenerous 

Yes the Money was welcome to a Family  on a disability pension and did help me travel to Port Alma a fair few times in which I kept the family fed with some crabs and new fossils  for the Museum research. I could classify myself as a Museum curator as one has been joined by personal Invitation to the Inclusive Museums of the World on LinkedIn  and have been endorsed by numerous people for the Research, Museums and Curating on the LinkedIn site

These emails were a bit confusing on my collected  data but Paul Blake the  Queensland Government Geologist did give me a name for the granite and shale concretions as cast fossils of Brachipodia Enchinsolia. Paul Blake does say the lignite is Tertiary which to me is arguable as the ground over top shows with the radio metric as being fused magnetic and the only magnetic area which spins a compass around is the faults which have been told to me to be Devonian by Tom Rich of Monash Uni. One cannot see how younger deposits can be under old magnetic ground.

The dark area surrounded by red and yellow are the two close faults said to be Devonian and one would gather the red yellow areas are also fused to show magnetic signature, main fossil area is the upper left yellow area which is also the area drilled showing lignite at 100ft and 200ft. Lignite under this area could not be younger than the over layer rock one would scientifically naturally assume.
The Government is also taking advantage of this information in allowing some future foreign owned prawn and fish farms. If it was only layers of mud underneath the water from the farms would leak away one would also assume. In the process they  would be uncovering and destroying more ancient fossils of in their case fossils they declare as modern day.

It is known from drilling in the area that these recent sediments overlie Tertiary (Eocene) sedimentary rocks of the Casuarina Basin.  The Casuarina Basin contains oil shales and the organic matter in the oil shales comes from a mixture of aquatic and land plants.  Rocks of similar ages in The Narrows area near Gladstone are known to contain vertebrate fossil such as crocodile teeth, scutes and copralites, as well as the bones of turtles, fish and birds, so it is likely that these would occur in the Casuarina Basin too and it is possible that they may be exposed in places.


Underlying the Casuarina Basin would be fault bounded belts of the Late Devonian Mount Alma Formation, Early Carboniferous Rockhampton Group and the Early Permian Berserker Group.


Part of the misunderstanding regarding the ages of the rocks in the area seems to be due to a geophysical image near the start of the webpage.  From what is written it seems that you think that the rock units that create the magnetic patterns present in the Casuarina Creek area must be within one or two metres of the surface, however, this is not true for airborne magnetic surveys.  The tools recording the data for airborne magnetic surveys cannot resolve magnetic signals near the surface, their intention is to detect magnetic signals at depth.  The magnetic survey in this area would not be able to resolve structures in the top 50m, so all the magnetic geological units must be below that.  Given how “blurred” and lacking in detail the airborne magnetic data in the Casuarina Creek area appears, the magnetic units would be hundreds of meters under the ground, or possibly even over a kilometre down. 

Paul Blake Qld Geologist 

Please read the writing after the first picture of the radioactive rocks in the location obvious mud can't be radioactive, so what is Paul Blake a geologist talking about ?


Dr Paul Willis claims mega fauna among the sediments well one cannot blame him for not knowing the location of the site at the time I probably didn't mention in my letter that the locality was below high tide level . I guess my theory of soluble silicon being in the brine's from my hypothesis the eventual breakdown of the fossil sponges and fusulinids.  There the peat being one of the reason for perfect condition of sub-fossils was not either explained right in my correspondence with him either.

Dr Chen found my Bryzoans on the shell interesting till he found out who I was, someone controversial I guess, and not to give anymore replies to least his dating of fossils gives more credence to the fact other perfectly good fossils could be found from that period of time. Even the range of the time to the Cretaceous period of 65 million years ago when lots of bryozoans went extinct doesn't actually leave it any where near the  quaternary recent period of time. 

South Australian Museum was a lot more cordial and well confirms mega fauna and to take them to my nearest museum well he doesn't understand the location and the disabilities I have with travel and have some sort of care for my illnesses when one arrives at such a destination like Brisbane where I don't know anyone and would have to pay expensive Hotel stay on disability pension. LOL
 Mt Morgan Museum isn't a government Museum nearest one is Brisbane and they now want me to pay for multiple assessments of things which are Queensland Heritage. 
One only went to the Museum invite down in Melbourne because my sister could take care of me after my travel journey. Travel sickness is good reason one never goes far from home  beside the broken back and lower back pain. 
Sue Turner formerly of Queensland Museum wasn't the first to show interest in my fish fossils I am sure there is numerous emails on her Government server regarding the fish she considered possibly ancient though the letter from the Museum says she was in China when the fossil plates and teeth were lost that is a fallacy as it was signed for 2 days before she flew out.
The letter also say that  parcels were opened from me by Alex Cooke  well I had only sent one parcel to her and it was registered why would he be opening her registered Mail  ?.

I have contacted nearly all Paleontologist in Australia about my fossil collection some are interested as was David Pickering now CEO of Melbourne Museum there would be a lot of interesting emails on his server especially the one with the promise to give a person assessment on the lot as I had sent him one picture a day for a couple months.
This email set was probably a bit of  provocative acts by Scott Hockfnul and myself one has to admit, but one is right if Holocene they can't be regarded as Heritage also the fact the Museum has any interest in  them they could have been lost at any time and they really wouldn't claimed they exist seeing they have yet to touch them in any physical sense. 
Letter telling me they visit the Caves but I had to buy the daily paper to find out when? a what the heck moment? you can't inform me the when I don't have pension money to afford a Local Rag each day. 

Seeing I couldn't trust the Mail , I had sent  Secretary Anne Dalton and advised her my Daughter, Son and my daughters boyfriend Neville Blake were going down in Brisbane to see the footy and would dropping some of the fossil's at the Centre and would require a receipt but they were refused and were told to take them back home and put them in the mail. Plan failed as I didn't realise Anne Dalton was working against me then. Not really handing my registered letters to Ian Galloway and working with Mike Roland the Head of Heritage who unfriended me on Facebook when he knew from my posting on my timeline that my Daughter and son had not been successful.  
One had frequent contacts by emails with Professor Mike Archer of New South Wales University but he never gave me much information but was very interested in any Photo's I used to send him of the megafauna sub-fossils and would always ask for different angle views off them .

David Pickering and I communicated with each other for a couple of months must have sent a picture each day he was very friendly and interested in what I had found only lost interest after he was promoted to head of the Museum Paleontology at the Museum. I was promised full assessments of my fossils by him if I was to get them there but Paleontologist are now much like Politicians their words are worthless. Least his assessment of the Port Alma sub fossil's being 40 million years is much above that of the 10,000 year time frame the Queensland Museum has given me.

This was one of the last emails never did get that reply just one from the Museum telling me to stop asking questions as the fossils did not come from the Victoria area I am not entitled for answers of their Paleontologist #goaway .

 Later contact was regained where the Collections clerk Lady had fixed me up with an appointment with David Pickering  Paleontologist on the Monday morning of 22 February 2010
One can now claim that the fossils have been checked out I did get to go to Melbourne but the collection clerk was of sick and David Pickering reckoned my appointment was on the Tuesday . But he did with 6 other go over the  smaller fish plates and  the large vertebra, When he asked what the Queensland Museum Museum told what they were they found 30 foot Bream or mackerel very amusing and couldn't stop laughing fora bit, well David  said to me this here fish part is solid stone and a fossil does not get this stage of fossilisation unless it is at least 65 million years old. The also claimed there was no such thing as a 30 foot telecost fish in recent time or else they would be still here. I asked them if they examine them properly for me well they had excuses they had a room full of this stuff that they didn't bother looking at much except no 30 foot fish but they were just too busy to do any assessments.
 I could come with them and show them to a Tom K who I have had dealings with before with lobster fossils he had done me for a couple hundred dollars on some bulk stone lobster deal so that didn't interest me, I could check out the museum for free that wasn't going to give mean answer or explanation which I paid money to fly here and was looking for and time was limited. There is never enough time. 
 I knew there was lots of Universities in Melbourne that might be interested seeing I got the Physical evidence with me so a tram inwards city I went found some amazed them they gave me contacts so I went back my sister place to go through the phone book and computer site's till I found J Stilwel of the Monash university he was really interested and we sorted it out for my sister to drop them off at the the University to him as I had to head back by Plane. he had them for a month them while he went on his holidays around Easter he booked them out of the University safe and took phone of hook disabled his emails and did some examination that one never ever received any details about  Patricia and Thomas Rich came back from Holidays and because I couldn't contact him I was referred to them by the University.
  I had been in contact a few times before this time with Patricia and Thomas, she was excited and wanted to examine them too now the fossils were finally in town better than the pictures one had sent them previously but had to wait a few days  as she couldn't contact Jeffrey either but he was at home . 
She got them and notified me she was very excited but Tom her husband took them to the Melbourne Museum that day then when he returned all went sour.  Patricia Rich contacted me by phone my Sister had to come collect them urgently. 
At the time she couldn't, Brenda was very sick in bed with influenza then Patricia Rich notified me they would be in the mail by courier and next day the two boxes one with brief case safe and other wooden box of sub-fossils was back with some ridiculous explanations on a few like giant sheep neck bone. her latest Book with pictures of the shell and other fossil were in it, that was pretty cool of her least she gave me a tool to use. 
Since that journey I had found the Placoderm fish plate and emailed Patricia Rich who told me to contact Tom Long now I have to say she would not have advised me such if she knew it was just catfish and I have a lot of confidence in her to know the difference. 
Tom Long stuck to the Queensland Museum line sending me an email a week later with it just being  catfish.
this all lends to the fact that all vertebra fossil Heritage that is found in technically is the property of the Queensland  Museum by law.

The Invoice slip of one of the Parcels when Patricia Rich had to urgently send my fossil's back due to them being as hot as hell or something like that.

One has tried to get Museum assessments done here in Regional Queensland maybe Rockhampton seeing it has a registered University.The Museum visits the Cave's the other side of Rockhampton on a regular basis but it is a long drive from Mt Morgan and it is not if they will meet me there for any assessments. 
Luke Godwin the Rockhampton's Aboriginal groups Archaeologist came and agreed they had dug up artifacts by mistake with their work cleaning the Dee river but never returned and all Heritage listing forms I have had submitted for Port Alma and Mt Morgan never even got a look at by the Heritage Officer Mike Roland so much for being a Facebook friend . Last correspondence I received some letter signed by the CEO saying there would be no more assessments of any fossil's as they had been assessed once and that decision is final that letter  was a bit confusing as I written to him about Mike Roland and  about the Heritage here at Mt Morgan.Was his CEO Anne Dalton mishandling my mail all these years she was good friend to Mike Roland and spent sometime with an alias name on my Facebook friend list till one got sick of looking at her there.
One does smell some sort of conspiracy of such but what the heck I have the fossils they don't have anything not even the brains to care about anything except their own little ego ivory towers.
One does have a reasonable education to understand History and Biology fairly well they were much liked subjects of my college years. 
The amount of Registered letter's sent to the Queensland Museum about the loss and Heritage applications sure was a waste of money.
The assay details of the Platinum palladium 4 ounce nugget found at site Port Alma Inkerman creek. One had a habit of picking up all the lead sinkers lost by people fishing close to the peat bogs there and firstly assume it was just another sinker. … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …
My recommendations on LinkedIn are fairly impressive for someone who is just another maverick.There are people out there that do believe my assessments which is a bit uplifting.
 A blog one has done specifically about the fish.
 One has been limited by illness and financial factors to explore and research much of the peat bogs. Last time down exploring the creek my hip fell out of place at the water's edge and it took a lot to get back in to get myself walking again that and unreliable transport has one in cautious mode to go exploring. But time will come next summer maybe when I feel like super man for a day and go explore the mud.