Saturday, 16 May 2020

The 30 foot fish experience, Port Alma Central Queensland

I went to the Philippines after a small payout from an accident of being ripped of a 35 ft pole in the Railways on suffered a lot of PSTD and treated with many I would say mind altering drugs. Some Indian psychologist I was being treated with convinced me to move to the Philippines as living cost would be cheaper there. He also convinced me I could get a good education for my children and being still young should adjust easily, My wife come from the bottom Island I convinced her with the idea also as our funds here weren’t earning enough to look after the family of four. We sold our property in Bouldercombe which  had a small crumbling to bit Plant Nursery on it the Council was giving us problems with the shed not being big enough to live in and made me build a new laundry and do other work before I could even sell it. The council was requiring us to build another room on the shed to their specifications, so much of our payout was being torn away on regulations.   
My Father lived with us there we used to go fishing in Port Alma where the main items the 30 ft fish vertebra fossil were eventually found by me after my return from the Philippines. 
 Our Philippines experience was short lived as after 12 months of many large medical bills from my children they had many asthma problems beside water giardia infection regularly it hurt so much to see them sick all the time most of medicine was way too expensive and I had osteoarthritis giving me a broken ankle and one also got the water disease. Our funds were disappearing fast and I had seen a few other Australians and other foreigners who had been imprisoned there economically and going into relative poverty. It was best return while we had enough to put a deposit on a House. 
Mt Morgan was where Helma’s other Pilipino friends lived and I also had a railway worker friend there it was close to Port Alma where I could go catch us crabs or fish. I got to contact a friend who used to purchase trees of me when we had the Nursery, he introduced me to a Steve Kemp the Mayor of Woorabinda who was looking for someone to set up a Permaculture system for the people at Woorabinda. I had to show him my old place I sold at Bouldercombe, the new owners had the same surname as him and got on well. 
The lady was once in the nursing profession and she bought out this stone type pseudo fossil that looked like a human hip. She thought it could be aboriginal in origin they had a bit of a discussion about burial practices as if it was a human hip the legs had been broken backwards and Steve said that was a common practice in some tribes burial practices, She demanded he take it. It was an item my Father had found down Port Alma once he threw it away after showing it to the CQ University and they had been down there looking for fossil’s but found nothing. Steve gave it to his archaeologist who came our saying it was stone and too old to be Human and it was more like an archosaur.

Later I was to go find a bone version of the stone one my Father first found 

I ended up with it back and the interest to go discover further the Port Alma area.
 First step was to purchase Geological maps the fact I could see magnetic ground and faults down this was exciting. 

The lower Carboniferous overlaps the Upper Permian along the fault lines of the Yarrol fault on the geological map. One can assume that the fossil area is some overlapping of these both periods where the Lower Devonian animals were decimated and fossilized by the animals that were species able to tolerate the extreme conditions of the seismic activity. 

 Maffic Gneiss fault with another in the distance the faint black mark up further Inkerman creek

Magnetic waves  satellite image

Magnetic ground under the mud the dark black area in the middle is the maffic fault area

The time of the faulting and the creation of ball- stones
The waves of the seismic activity was erratic at source but would have evened out to perfect waves to form ball-stone sponge like sponges circulating the organic dead animals and plant material.

Narrow leaf Bottle tree fauna same as Blackwater coal areas I could not see the ocean being full of fish and land crawling with Arthropods some Amphibians and the air with Pterosaurs the gliding Archosaurs during the Lower Carboniferous to the Cretaceous. The Oceans were at a much lower level as today's oceans and not so salty as the salt in the Oceans only first came from the erosion of soil from melting glaciers. One could say the peat some determination on the level of the early oceans as to the dept of the Lignite after the 100 and 200 feet of sediments plus the thickness of the lignite at both different drill sites.